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الأحد، 18 ديسمبر 2011

Program assistant

The Palestinian Network For Small And Microfinance (Sharakeh) is a non-profit non-governmental organization.  Established in 2002, the network represents a forum of micro finance non-profit institutions and programs that aims at providing financial services to small enterprises, and focuses its efforts on the growth of microfinance industry in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, particularly that micro financing is considered one of the strongest tools for ecenomic development consistent with Palestinian eceonomy needs.


-BA Degree in Business Administration, Fianance or related fields
-Excellent English Language skill
-Excellent use of Computer; Microsoft Office, and Internet Browsing.

Interested applicants can send their CV’s via e-mail to infoatpalmfi.ps

وصف مختصر للوظيفة
كلمات دالة عن الوظيفة (مثال:محاسبة،ادارة،برمجة)
الوظيفة Assistant
تاريخ البدء Immediately
الراتب -
رقم الفاكس 2404290
رقم الهاتف 2404289
البريد الالكتروني infopalmfi.ps
المكان ramallah
اخر موعد لإستقبال الطلبات 2011-Dec-25

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